Kelsall Pedigrees
This is just a holding page for this section of the website. It is likely that this section will be the last to be completed on the website, due to the complexity of the task.
It is envisioned that either a 'master pedigree' or a number of individual pedigrees, will be hosted on this section, most likely using free software. There are drawbacks with each proposal - with a master pedigree, any disputed information or incomplete information may disrupt the pedigree branches. With individual pedigrees, each would require its own database underlying it, and would result in a lot of management particularly for software upgrades.
A sample of a possible genealogy programme is found on this site (I am reasonably certain that the head of this tree comes from the shipwright line of Liverpool, even though it mysteriously appears to begin in 1806 in the West Indies, I have been unable to contact the owner of this tree).
In the meantime, partial pedigrees of a number of the major lines can be found on some of the researcher pages.